Write your MP; lack of consensus in Cabinet slowing down delivery on promises.

A man in a red shirt and blue hat picking plants in a field
Credit: Photo by Darren Wanliss on Unsplash
Published On: July 17, 2024

Today, The United Church of Canada sent a letter to urge the Prime Minister to speed up delivery on promises to regularize undocumented workers in Canada.

Reflecting our commitments to becoming an anti-racist church and the justice priority on racial equity in the Strategic Plan, the letter addresses the need for permanent resident status to be granted to undocumented people, known as “regularization.”

“Migrants are a fundamental part of Canada’s social and economic fabric. They are also important and beloved members of our churches,” the letter states. “Their precarious status as undocumented makes them vulnerable to abuse and exploitation, and is an affront to their human dignity. There is clear, strong support from Canadians for a regularization program.”

Another discussion on regularization at Cabinet level may occur before the end of the summer. With some ministers divided on support for the idea, and amid assertions incorrectly linking immigration to health care, housing, and the affordability crisis, writing or meeting with your MP to express support for regularization is important.

Find your MP.

Migrant Rights Network (press release, June 3, 2024): Migrant Care Workers Welcome Permanent Resident Status on Arrival

CBC story (May 14, 2024): Trudeau says Canada needs a 'pathway' to official status for immigrants, faster deportations

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