Can your congregation sponsor a refugee who urgently needs to be resettled in Canada? 

Compared to 1979, when the United Church signed its first Sponsorship Agreement, the movement of peoples is more severely restricted, within and between countries. Media attention spans one desperate situation and moves on to another. Our heads become crowded and close down after seeing too many dramatic images.

In all parts of the world, desperate refugees remain. For some, sponsorship is the only solution. Does your community have the resources (human and financial) to give a refugee a home? When we help protect one refugee from persecution, death, or wasted years in a refugee camp, we save the world for that one person—and just maybe for ourselves too. 

Kindergarten in a Refugee Camp

MandS 2023: November 19. Since 1950, the Joint Christian Committee for Social Service has provided skills training and services to refugees living in… continue reading

Being There for Refugees and Migrants in Morocco

MandS 2023: August 20. In Morocco, your Mission and Service gifts support refugees and migrants by providing life-saving medication as well as… continue reading

Your Generosity Settles Families

MandS 2023: August 13. Your gifts to Mission and Service help support life-changing programming and staffing to support families seeking safety.

Learning, Teaching, and Loving

MandS 2023: August 6. Your gifts to Mission and Service create opportunities for refugee families and church communities to work as partners. Thank… continue reading

United Church Welcomes More than 100 Refugees

2022 was an interesting year for The United Church of Canada's Refugee desk. Here's a summary of the year's applications and arrivals.

Making a Home for Refugees: ChrisAnn Alvarez’s Work

MandS 2023: August 27. “There’s this huge misconception that refugees choose to be refugees,” says ChrisAnn Alvarez, Refugee Support at The United… continue reading

“My Soul Is Fed” by Supporting Refugees

Norma McCord, a long-time United Church refugee program supporter, says the work is in her blood.

Refugee Sponsorship Profile: Islington United Church

For World Refugee Day, we share the story of Islington United Church's Refugee Support Ministry, which has been creating relationships for over 40… continue reading