Inauguration of The United Church of Canada held on June 10, 1925, in the Mutual Street Arena, not far from Metropolitan UC

Hundreds of people fill an arena in a black and white photo from 1925.
Commissioners and delegates attending the inaugural service of The United Church of Canada held in Mutual Street Arena, Toronto (June 10, 1925).
Credit: 92.185P338N The United Church of Canada Archives, Toronto
Published On: June 5, 2024

The Moderator of The United Church of Canada, the Right Rev. Dr. Carmen Lansdowne, will be preaching at a worship service in the historic Metropolitan United Church, 56 Queen St. E., Toronto, this Sunday, June 9, 2024, at 4 p.m. EDT.

The special service launches a year-long commemoration of the 100th anniversary of The United Church of Canada. Its first General Council meeting was held on June 10, 1925, in the Mutual Street Arena, not far from Metropolitan UC. 

“We are in exciting and uncertain times,” says Moderator Lansdowne. “While the Centennial is an opportunity for us to acknowledge the good and not-so-good things in our past, we will not live there. This is very much a time for us to look forward, and to celebrate the emerging church—one filled with hope, resolution, reconciliation, and healing.”

General Secretary the Rev. Michael Blair will also be in attendance, as will former Moderators and General Secretaries. The in-person service will also be livestreamed nationally on The United Church of Canada’s YouTube channel. The service includes communion; for those joining online, please have your communion elements ready. A Sunday school program will be provided for children and teens in attendance. Following the service, celebratory cupcakes and refreshments will be served outside under a big tent.

The Centennial itself will be celebrated on June 10, 2025.

Stay up to date on plans and celebrations by signing up for the new Centennial Newsletter. 

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