Job Number: 45-08
Opening/Closing Date: February 5, 2025 to March 27, 2025


Video about the Admission Board.

Admission Board (15 members) 

We are seeking ministers and laypeople who have the gifts to assess and support ministry personnel from other denominations who feel called to serve The United Church of Canada. People who have fluency in languages in addition to English are particularly encouraged to consider this opportunity.    


The primary function of the Admission Board is to interview ministry personnel from other denominations to ensure suitability for ministry in The United Church of Canada and in a United Church community of faith. Those coming before the Admission Board have their credentials cleared through staff in the Office of Vocation. In a first interview, the Admission Board determines suitability for ministry and what is required for the minister seeking admission to meet the necessary learning outcomes. The final interview of those who have completed all the requirements assesses their readiness to be received as United Church ministry personnel. 


The Admission Board consists of 15 members who reflect the broad diversity of The United Church, with particular attention to its equity commitments and the presence of both laypeople and ministry personnel from across the geography of the church. The Admission Board will include ministry personnel from each stream of ministry. 

To honour the separation of responsibilities assigned to regional councils and those assigned to the Office of Vocation, Admission Board members cannot also serve on a body of the regional council with decision-making responsibilities that relate to or affect pastoral relations or pastoral relationships. 

Member Skills and Experience 

Members will have skills in discernment, the ability to listen with intercultural sensitivity, and knowledge of the realities of the practice of ministry in various denominations. Helpful experience includes 

  • having served on a Conference Interview Board or Candidacy Board
  • having lived or worked outside Canada
  • experience with migrants and newcomers to Canada
  • having served as overseas ministry personnel
  • experience with other professional admission or accreditation processes 

United Church Relationship: Full member 

Expectations and Term 

The Admission Board meets once a month by videoconference call and may meet in person as necessary. Meetings of the board are conducted in English. Interviews with admission ministers  are conducted in English or French; interviews for ministers seeking to offer supply ministry in an ethno-linguistic context may occasionally take place in an additional language.  

It is expected that members will make this commitment a priority and attend every meeting notwithstanding unavoidable emergencies or similar situations. 

The term of this appointment is for three years (August 2025–August 2028) with the possibility of reappointment for a second three-year term. 

For more information about this volunteer opportunity, please see the complete description, below.

To Express Interest

To apply for this vacancy, please express interest or nominate someone.

All submissions will be acknowledged by e-mail. If you do not receive acknowledgement, please contact Member Engagement. Incomplete or late submissions cannot be considered.

For further information or assistance in expressing interest or nominating someone, please contact:

Member Engagement
Toll-Free: 1-800-268-3781
