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Advent Unwrapped
Advent Unwrapped
Worship Blog
Advent Unwrapped: The Shape-Shifting Magi
The Rev. Stephen Milton talks about how the representation of the visit of the magi has changed over time… and how it might look in the future.
The Fight for Christmas Vacations
Why do we get days off at Christmas?
Why do we wrap Christmas presents?
The Rev. Stephen Milton explores how a simple layer of colourful paper adds to the mystery and wonder of Christmas.
Advent Unwrapped: Who was the Real Saint Nicholas?
The Rev. Stephen Milton explores the identity of Saint Nicholas and his contribution to our stories of Christmas.
Advent Unwrapped: Why is Christmas on December 25th?
Rev. Stephen Milton explores the reasons behind the choice of December 25 as Christ’s birthday.
Speaking of Darkness in Advent
Our ingrained notions of black/white and darkness/light as inherently good and evil can guide how we treat each other.
Advent Unwrapped: Belén Sa Toronto
The Holy is known in the birth of every child, the Rev. Maria Christina Conlon reminds us, in this Advent Unwrapped microblog.
The Womb that Bore You
In an Advent Unwrapped microblog, the Rev. Maria Christina Conlon reminds us of the importance of compassion.
Seeking Peace Instead of Turmoil
In this Advent reflection, Shanna Bernier finds that even in times of great upheaval and change, deep moments of peace exist.
Advent begins with Hope
Shanna Bernier shares the first of a series of Advent reflections, based on a young adult pilgrimage to Palestine and Israel.
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