We have all the tools we need to mend the world and bring about Christ’s Kingdom.

We have spent so long preparing for Christ and the revolution. What will we do now that Christ has come and the revolution has begun (again)?
In Howard Thurman’s poem “The Work of Christmas,” he explains that the work of Christmas is really the work of the revolution. It is the work of mending the brokenness in our world: healing the sick, loving the unlovable, and building just communities. It’s the work of the church.
This 12-day season of Christmas (December 25 to January 6) is the perfect opportunity to reflect on how we might pick up the work of Christ and his revolution throughout the coming year.
As I reflect on what that might look like fore me, I keep hearing Mister Rogers in my head. I can’t remember if it happened in the movie A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood or not, but Mister Rogers often talked about using the tools we have to deal with big emotions. My feelings about the state of our world are big emotions that often overwhelm me. This Christmas season I have decided to follow Mister Rogers’ advice and brainstorm what tools I have at my disposal to deal not only with the world’s brokenness (the work of Christmas) but also my big feelings around it. I think Mister Rogers’ tool for dealing with the world’s brokenness was kindness, and in the movie about him his tools for dealing with his feelings around it were scripture, swimming, and banging low notes on a piano.
Among us, I believe, we have all the tools we need to mend the world and bring about Christ’s Kingdom. But it would require each of us owning and empowering each other to use the tools, or gifts, we have while supporting and caring for each other so we will have the stamina to make it through.
This Christmas season I am working on an action plan: What tools have I been gifted to help build the revolution? How can I use them this year? And how will I help to support and empower myself and others to do the same with the gifts they have been entrusted with?
In these last few days of the season, I hope Christ continues to break into your lives and Epiphany marks an amazing new beginning that will lead us all to revolutionary change.
Celebrating with you,
—Alydia Smith is Program Coordinator—Worship, Music, and Spirituality at the General Council