Meet United Church generosity in action through stories you can share in person or on social media.

Two women sitting in a church pew.
Credit: Simon Chambers/ACT Alliance

Mission and Service Stories (formerly called Minutes for Mission) are for sharing with our faithful supporters to show them the amazing work their gifts make possible. These stories can be used in services, in newsletters, and in face-to-face conversations. The more they're shared, the more people will understand just how life-changing Mission and Service is! To see videos of some of the work visit our YouTube channel.

Working with Young Leaders: Amy Crawford’s Work

Published On: December 20, 2022

YGM 2023: July 9. Amy Crawford has been doing ministry with youth and young adults for almost 30 years, and she’s never been more excited about the future for youth leadership in the church.

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Anti-Racism App Developed by Young Adults Set to Launch

Published On: November 3, 2022

YGM 2022: December 11. Your generosity through Mission & Service supports the leadership of young adults like Jonisha Lewinson who are actively using their talent and skill to change our world for the better. Thank you!

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Update: Your Generosity at Work in Ukraine

Published On: September 19, 2022

YGM 2022: October 23. Your generosity is helping to provide life-saving support to people affected by the war in Ukraine through our global partnerships.

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Teetering on the Brink of a Global Hunger Crisis

Published On: September 19, 2022

YGM 2022: October 16. The pandemic as well as wheat shortages resulting from the war in Ukraine have catapulted us to the brink of a massive hunger crisis.

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Gifts with Vision at Work in Ukraine

Published On: June 13, 2022

YGM 2022: July 31. Providing emergency food and hygiene kits is one way your generous support of Mission & Service partners is helping support Ukrainian refugees.

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Rising above Tragedy to Transform Lives

Published On: June 13, 2022

YGM 2022: July 3. Each year, the Asian Rural Institute, supported through your Mission & Service gifts, invites 25‒30 rural leaders from other countries to learn sustainable agriculture techniques in Japan.

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Your Gifts Support Displaced People in Ukraine

Published On: May 13, 2022

YGM 2022: June 5. In an unimaginably difficult time, your gifts are not only helping to provide necessities they are also showing the people of Ukraine you care.

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Learning Racism at a Young Age

Published On: April 19, 2022

YGM 2022: May 29. Your Mission & Service gifts support anti-racism programs and initiatives.

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Food and Hygiene Kits for Ukraine

Published On: April 19, 2022

YGM 2022: May 8. Gifts with Vision―the United Church’s giving catalogue―has just unveiled its latest gifts to help people fleeing the war in Ukraine, 90 percent of them women and children.

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Taken and Detained: 17-Year-Old Khalil’s Story

Published On: April 19, 2022

YGM 2022: May 1. Your generosity through Mission & Service supports DCIP Palestine, an advocacy organization defending children’s rights.

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