A listing of recently published prayers

Praying Through Advent: Winter Solstice

A prayer for the longest night.
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Praying Through Advent: Joy

A prayer to find Joy in Advent.
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Praying Through Advent: The Final Week

This last week of labour in the Advent vineyard—so much left to do. 
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A Whisper of Hope in Advent's Night

A prayer from COP28 by Shane Goldie, a member of The United Church of Canada delegation to the summit.
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Praying Through Advent: Peace

What challenges our feelings of peace?
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Praying Through Advent: Hope

An Advent prayer on hope.
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A Prayer for the United Nations Climate Change Conference of the Parties (COP28)

A Prayer for the United Nations Climate Change Conference of the Parties (COP28)
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Praying Through Advent

A prayer to help prepare for Advent.
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An Advent Candle Prayer

Creator God, in this season we light a candle each week.
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Call and Vision Call to Worship

We gather as part of God’s great diversity.
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