Sharing stories of life, faith, and ministry in the United Church and beyond.

In 1971, the observance of June 21 as a National Indian Day of Prayer was formally recognized by The United Church of Canada, at the 24th General Council. In 1982…

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Why an Indigenous Day of Prayer?" href="/blogs/round-table/why-indigenous-day-prayer"> A golden sun shines on Mount John Laurie, known as Yamnuska, in Alberta.

I had the amazing privilege (no pun intended) of attending the White Privilege Conference Global in May, held for the first time in Canada. (It has been held in the…

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Got Privilege?" href="/blogs/round-table/got-privilege"> The author, Karen Orlandi, wears a pink shirt with the words, "Got Privilege?" printed on the front in bold letters.

I was invited to the May 9–12 White Privilege Conference at Ryerson University, Toronto, by…

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Acknowledging My Privilege" href="/blogs/round-table/acknowledging-my-privilege"> A white woman holds a sign that says, "I acknowledge my white privilege" during a protest.

“It is time to shout: The era of peace is coming."

“Era of Peace” Coming to Korea" href="/blogs/round-table/era-peace-coming-korea"> WomenCrossDMZ unfurl a colourful quilt during a march calling for peace in Korea/

“Today, 80 million hearts across the peninsula are broken.”

That was the reaction of Korean partners, representing…

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80 Million Hearts Broken as Korea Summit Talks Cancelled " href="/blogs/round-table/80-million-hearts-broken-korea-summit-talks-cancelled"> Participants in WomenPeaceKorea hold a press conference in Seoul.

Maximum engagement for peace in Korea.

Maximum Engagement for Peace in Korea" href="/blogs/round-table/maximum-engagement-peace-korea"> An image saying "#WomenPeaecKorea: A New Era. All-Women Delegation to South Korea.

I am a third-generation Japanese Canadian living in southern Alberta among the third-largest concentration of Japanese in Canada; the other two concentrations of…

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A Proud Heritage" href="/blogs/round-table/proud-heritage"> A large photo of the congregation of Southern Japanese United Church, Easter 1953, gathered on the steps of the church. Everyone is dressed in suits and dresses for the occasion.

To be candid, when I received an invitation to create a worship service and Bible study for Asian Heritage…

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What Is at Stake in Celebrating Asian Heritage Month?" href="/blogs/round-table/what-stake-celebrating-asian-heritage-month"> Numerous sticks of incense burn in front at a temple in Hong Kong.

It was one of those mornings where I had 30 minutes of stuff to do before I left home, but only five minutes to get into the car and get to the office. I stopped to…

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A Call to Repent and Act to End Racism" href="/blogs/round-table/call-repent-and-act-end-racism"> The author Paul Douglas Walfall (left) marches with the members of the United Church of Canada Delegation to the ACT March to End Racism carry a United Church banner at the event.

My father was not much of a churchgoer. I still vividly recall him putting dollops of pancake batter onto a sizzling griddle, or devouring the weekend…

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Earth Day: A Call to Care for the Planet" href="/blogs/round-table/earth-day-call-care-planet"> A swimming dock bobs in a woodland lake, saturated with purple and pink hues at sunset.