Setsuko Thurlow, a long-time United Church member who is also a survivor of the 1945 atomic…
Setsuko Thurlow, a long-time United Church member who is also a survivor of the 1945 atomic…
The band U2 has some inspiring lyrics in their songs, and the song “Grace” is one of the best. Grace is a…
The International Day of Persons with Disabilities is celebrated annually on December 3. This year,…
Growing up in Southwestern Ontario, I always knew that I had been adopted and I took pride in that. My parents assured me that they loved me so…
What in the present church must we allow to die if we are to experience resurrection?
I would not be who I am, without camps.
Me, too.
"If all the women who have been sexually harassed or assaulted wrote 'Me too' as a status, we might give people a sense of the magnitude of the…
We are over a week into November and as I write this on Thursday night, the weather forecast says that we may get the first snowfall of the year in Toronto this…
As the Healing Programs Coordinator for the Aboriginal Ministries Circle, I am often invited into Indigenous communities that are engaged in healing, cultural…
Across the United Church, there are many approaches to marking Remembrance Day. In contributing a new selection of prayers for use…