Sharing stories of life, faith, and ministry in the United Church and beyond.
The story of “The Sunflower Man,” a healing, community-based dance performance based on the regenerating life and work of migrant farmworkers in the Niagara Region.…
The Sunflower Man " href="/blogs/round-table/sunflower-man"> A photo of two Latinx performers, dressing in traditional farmworker clothes, cradling a sunflower during a show.
The Holy is known in the birth of every child, the Rev. Maria Christina Conlon reminds us, in this Advent Unwrapped microblog.
Advent Unwrapped: Belén Sa Toronto" href="/blogs/round-table/advent-unwrapped-belen-sa-toronto"> A pencil sketch outlie of two people wrapped in blankets and sitting on the street.
For International Migrants Day, Demanya Kofi Akoussah shares his difficult experience as a minister working to immigrate to Canada.
My Immigration Challenges" href="/blogs/round-table/my-immigration-challenges"> Overlooking the locks on the Ottawa Canal, with the Alexandra Bridge in the background.
In an Advent Unwrapped microblog, the Rev. Maria Christina Conlon reminds us of the importance of compassion.
The Womb that Bore You" href="/blogs/round-table/womb-bore-you"> A red woodcut print of a baby surrounded by light.
Janet Millward writes about Canadian Foodgrains Bank’s call to use climate finance funding to address food insecurity around the world.
The Climate Crisis and Global Hunger" href="/blogs/round-table/climate-crisis-and-global-hunger"> A collection of signs on a wall outlining the causes of world hunger.
Reflecting on the United Church Call and Vision, theologian Rob Fennell writes that spirituality is the way we seek and receive God’s love and grace in everyday life…
Deep Spirituality Is for Regular People like Us" href="/blogs/round-table/deep-spirituality-regular-people-us"> A silhouette of a person touching their lips in prayer, as light pours between their fingers.
Cheryl-Ann Stadelbauer-Sampa writes that Bold Discipleship is how our lives become avenues of God’s love and presence in the world.
Bold Discipleship Turns Water Into Wine" href="/blogs/round-table/bold-discipleship-turns-water-wine"> an illustration of chains transforming into free birds in a sunrise
A conversation with Adam Cresswell of The Hub community network, a grassroots movement of Canadian youth and young adults with a mission to connect young people with “…
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The Hub: Creating a Network for Youth and Young Adults" href="/blogs/round-table/hub-creating-network-youth-and-young-adults">
Rev. Dr. Paul Douglas Walfall celebrates Emancipation Day, while acknowledging Black people's fight for freedom continues to this day.
Emancipated, But Still Not Free" href="/blogs/round-table/emancipated-still-not-free"> A pair of arms rise in triumph against a blue sky, breaking the chains of enslavement.
Norma McCord, a long-time United Church refugee program supporter, says the work is in her blood.
“My Soul Is Fed” by Supporting Refugees" href="/blogs/round-table/my-soul-fed-supporting-refugees"> Norma, a long-time refugee program supporter (right), with a friend.