Sharing stories of life, faith, and ministry in the United Church and beyond.
Shanna Bernier shares the first of a series of Advent reflections, based on a young adult pilgrimage to Palestine and Israel. 
Advent begins with Hope " href="/blogs/round-table/advent-begins-hope"> A group of young adult pilgrims from Canada gather in a doorway of a refugee-run cafe in Aida Refugee Camp.
The Black Clergy Network in The United Church of Canada has offered a prayer of support for the Rev. Michael Blair, as he begins his new role as the General Secretary,…
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Letter of Prayer for Michael Blair from the Black Clergy Network" href="/blogs/round-table/letter-prayer-michael-blair-black-clergy-network"> The Sankofa bird, a West African symbol of a bird with a long neck, turning its head to look back. This version is brilliantly multicoloured - red, yellow, black, and orange..
Rev. Dr. Paul Douglas Walfall writes that to be prophetic in the face of racial intolerance is to proclaim the extravagant grace of God by the way we live.
A Call for Social Holiness" href="/blogs/round-table/call-social-holiness"> Rev. Paul Douglas Walfall speaking at the 43rd General Council.
United Church Co-worker in Mission, John Egger, reports on his experience of ministry in Seoul, Korea during the time of pandemic.
Struggling to Adjust to COVID-19 in Korea" href="/blogs/round-table/struggling-adjust-covid-19-korea"> The author, John Egger, wears a pandemic face mask as he takes a selfie before a sign written in Korean in Seoul, Korea.
Daniel Benson shares that returning to in-person worship with the extended church family is like coming home.
How We Are Re-opening Our Church" href="/blogs/round-table/how-we-are-re-opening-our-church"> A man holding cleaning supplies during COVID-19

Daniel Benson writes that as church in the time of COVID-19, we must care for each other like family, not just spiritually, but bodily as well.

Why Haven’t We Opened Church Doors Yet?" href="/blogs/round-table/why-havent-we-opened-church-doors-yet"> Dark red arch-shaped doors of a stone church.

Bronwyn Corlett shares a review of the book, The End of Youth Ministry? that explores the meaning of ministry with youth and young adults.

What Is Youth Ministry For?" href="/blogs/round-table/what-youth-ministry"> The cover of the book, The End of Youth Ministry? which is green with yellow letters spelling out the title and author's name.

General Secretary Nora Sanders writes that, when we fail to recognize that our acceptance of inequality is a form of racism, we fail to live up to our basic…

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Note from Nora: A Time for Listening" href="/blogs/round-table/note-nora-time-listening"> A Black woman seen from behind while holding a large Black Lives Matter flag during a march in downtown Toronto.
June 10, 2020: Happy anniversary to all of us in The United Church of Canada. Our church is 95 years old today!   Do you wonder, like me, what those…
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Note from Nora: Celebrating Church Union in Times of Change" href="/blogs/round-table/note-nora-celebrating-church-union-times-change"> A diverse mass of people with "Black Lives Matter" signs demonstrate against racism in Montreal.

Rev. Dr. Paul Douglas Walfall calls on White people in the church to put their love into action to counteract racism.

Dear White People" href="/blogs/round-table/dear-white-people"> The author Paul Douglas Walfall (left) marches with the members of the United Church of Canada Delegation to the ACT March to End Racism carry a United Church banner at the event.