Sharing stories of life, faith, and ministry in the United Church and beyond.

Wendy Gichuru reflects on how the negotiation of sacred and profane in Kendrick Lamar’s music contributes to the making of Black meaning.

Kendrick Lamar as Prophet " href="/blogs/round-table/kendrick-lamar-prophet"> Rapper Kendrick Lamar performs on stage, wearing a black t-shirt and a black baseball cap, he holds a microphone with one hand and raises the other above this head, with three fingers in the air.

Rev. Andrew Kinoti Lairenge writes that growing up in post-colonial Kenya, he did not know what it was to be a person of colour or visible minority. It is…

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Learning to Be Black" href="/blogs/round-table/learning-be-black"> A portrait of Rev. Andrew Kinoti Lairenge, a middle-aged Black man with very short hair and kind eyes. Slightly smiling.

General Secretary Nora Sanders checks in with our Christian partners in China who are on the front lines of the COVID-19 epidemic.

Note from Nora: Our Prayers Can Mean So Much" href="/blogs/round-table/note-nora-our-prayers-can-mean-so-much"> Photo of people unloading medical supplies from trucks in Wuhan, China

Dr. Velda Love of the United Church of Christ writes that her history is African centred and it’s beautiful.

My History is African Centred and It’s Beautiful" href="/blogs/round-table/my-history-african-centred-and-its-beautiful"> Dr. Velda Love of the United Church of Christ, a Black woman in an indigo wrap, with very closely cropped hair, a brilliant smile, and long earrings, looks directly at the camera.

At the Minority Youth Forum in Japan, Jacob Burns and Jacqueline Warner-Smith were exposed to a struggle for justice that had similarities to the Canadian experience…

Sharing Cultures, Working for Peace" href="/blogs/round-table/sharing-cultures-working-peace"> Participants in the Minority Youth Forum, including two youth featured in this blog post (centre), pose for a group shot in front of a Japanese temple.

Rev. Dr. Bentley de Bardelaben-Phillips of the United Church of Christ, writes about the recent powerful tour he took with colleagues to the Alabama cities of…

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My Civil Rights Excursion" href="/blogs/round-table/my-civil-rights-excursion"> A portrait of Rev. Dr. Bentley de Bardelaben-Phillips, a Black man with glasses and a thin black and grey beard. He has a bright smile and is wearing a dark suit.

General Secretary Nora Sanders writes about experiencing a profound reminder of the presence of God in an everyday setting.

Note from Nora: Surely God Is in this Place" href="/blogs/round-table/note-nora-surely-god-place"> An adult hand hold the hand of an infant, which appears tiny and vulnerable..

Rev. Dr. Karen Georgia A. Thompson writes about the UN International Decade for People of African Descent and how it extends the opportunity to focus on Black…

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February Isn’t Enough for Black History " href="/blogs/round-table/february-isnt-enough-black-history"> A portrait of Rev. Dr. Karen Georgia Thompson, a Black woman with beautiful braids atop her head in a bun, wearing a clergy collar and a metal owl pendant.

On the 75th anniversary of the liberation Auschwitz-Birkenau concentration camp, General Secretary Nora Sanders writes that some anniversaries need to be marked, not…

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Note from Nora: Honouring What Must Never Be Forgotten" href="/blogs/round-table/note-nora-honouring-what-must-never-be-forgotten"> A photo of the brick buildings of Auschwitz concentration camp in Poland, surrounded by high barbed wire fencing.

Rev. Dr. Paul Douglas Walfall reflects on the "Misleading Theologies" symposium he attended in Kenya and why the North American church could use a similar…

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Confronting “Misleading Theologies”" href="/blogs/round-table/confronting-misleading-theologies"> The author, Paul Douglas Walfall, wearing a light blue shirt, listens intently from his desk at the Misleading Theologies Conference, in Kenya, Oct. 2019.jpg