As the United States sends asylum seekers back to danger, the world is watching.
As the United States sends asylum seekers back to danger, the world is watching.
Tessa Blaikie Whitecloud writes that neighbourhoods should be places where everyone is given a chance at the best life.
Rev. Susan Lukey and Rev. David Robertson reflect on how Jesus is known by many names—but all of them mean love.
For the International Day for the Abolition of Slavery, Peter Cruchley writes about the Council for World Mission’s efforts to seek truth and make reparations for…
General Secretary Nora Sanders wonders how much the church is willingly to waive in order to welcome new generations.
Alydia Smith shares an Advent mixtape to enjoy together, as we wait for Christ(mas).
Kim Uyede-Kai writes from the Asian Ecumenical Women’s Assembly, a “herstorical” assembly where women could hear one another’s stories be given voice, some for the…
Rev. Ruth Lumax reflects on how learning to become an intercultural church can help us develop into lush and vibrant communities of faith.
Joshua Fernandes writes that perhaps the most effective way to make change around climate change is to start with the question, “Who do I love?"
Kathryn Gray muses on how we can be more mindful with gifts this Advent, and not give in to the pressure to shop/consume/shop some more...