Sharing stories of life, faith, and ministry in the United Church and beyond.

Bronwyn Corlett shares a review of the book Piloting Church: Helping Your Congregation Take Flight, by the Rev. Cameron Trimble.

Learning How to Fly Could Help Your Congregation Soar" href="/blogs/round-table/learning-how-fly-could-help-your-congregation-soar"> The book cover for "Piloting Church: Helping Your Congregation Take Flight."

Aimee Gavin writes about her volunteer outreach and advocacy work around homelessness in Port Credit, Mississauga, ON - where, as in many suburbs, homelessness…

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Homelessness in a Neighbourhood with “No Homeless People”" href="/blogs/round-table/homelessness-neighbourhood-no-homeless-people"> In this black and white photograph, a man is seen from behind as he leans against a railing overlooking a small but busy marina. On the other side of the water is a tall hotel, and next to it, a tall crane where a new development is in the works.

General Secretary Nora Sanders writes that waiting for God does not mean doing nothing, rather it means trusting in God's steadfast love in the face of…

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Note from Nora: Waiting for God" href="/blogs/round-table/note-nora-waiting-god"> A brilliant orange-red sunrise over a large body of water is partially obscured by dark clouds.

Rev. Allan David Smith-Reeve shares insights from the Bridging Teams program, where a core belief is that those who live in poverty are the lead problem-…

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Working Myself Out of a Job " href="/blogs/round-table/working-myself-out-job">

Privilege is not only about racism! While we usually associate the phrase “check your privilege” in discussions about racism, the phrase has much wider implications…

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Checking Your Privilege" href="/blogs/round-table/checking-your-privilege"> Four women and one man pose together in a Nairobi street. All are well dressed and workers for refugee assistance program.

Kelsi James shares her video poem "[REDacted]," as a reflection on her experience serving as United Church oversea personnel in China. 

[REDacted] " href="/blogs/round-table/redacted">

Without question, being in a room with 1,500 other caring individuals is an uplifting phenomenon. The level of energy and optimism is so high that it is easy to see…

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Working Collaboratively to Eradicate Homelessness" href="/blogs/round-table/working-collaboratively-eradicate-homelessness"> Two people work collaboratively to climb over a rock on a foggy forest mountain.

We have all the tools we need to mend the world and bring about Christ’s Kingdom.

Merry Christmas!" href="/blogs/round-table/merry-christmas"> Unwrap Christmas

In this video, Kelsi James, United Church oversea personnel in China, shares the song "Echo" which she wrote after arriving in Lanzhou, China as a reflection on…

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Echo" href="/blogs/round-table/echo">

Serving in a country that doesn’t celebrate the holiday, overseas personnel Kelsi James discovers the Christmas spirit lives in friends. 

Christmas Is Everywhere" href="/blogs/round-table/christmas-everywhere"> Two young women sit together on the stone staircase of a huge mountain in China.