A listing of recently published prayers

We Praise You for the Sacred Fires

A prayer for Indigenous Day of Prayer

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When Disciples Were Terrified at the Strength of the Storm

A prayer for those affected by wildfires, especially in BC at this time, by the Right Rev. Richard Bott.

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O Great Spirit: Prayer for Island Lakes First Nations

Please join the Aboriginal Ministries Circle of the United Church in prayer for First Nations communities in northern Manitoba and elsewhere being evacuated due to…

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A Prayer for the Journey Home

A prayer offered as United Church youth, young adults, and leaders return home from the Rendez-vous

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Let Us Pray That All May Be One

A prayer offered for Rendez-vous participants, originally shared on October 18, 2015, in celebration of the full communion of The United Church of Canada…

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Blessings to All Journeying to Rendez-vous

A prayer for United Church youth, young adults, and leaders on their way to the Rendez-vous gathering in Montreal.

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Braiding Reconciliation

A prayer to mark the 20th anniversary of the United Church Apology to Former Students of United Church Indian Residential Schools, and to Their Families and…

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Help Us to Be Ourselves

An Advent prayer

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O Holy Spirit, Enter In

A prayer from Voices United.

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Give Us the Courage to Welcome Christ

A Christmas prayer

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