A listing of recently published prayers

Help Us to Be Brave

An Advent prayer

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At This Threshold

An Epiphany prayer for times of change

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Guide Us, Encourage Us, and Push Us

A prayer from Singing a Song of Faith by Trisha Elliott

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Gracious God, You Have Commissioned Us

A prayer for the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity

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In Your Rising

A Lenten prayer from Why I Believe: Daily Devotions on Faith & Discipleship.

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Our Rainbow after the Storm

A Lenten prayer from Why I Believe: Daily Devotions on Faith & Discipleship.

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Litany for Racial Justice

An anti-racism prayer from That All May Be One: A Resource for Education toward Racial Justice

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Passion for Unity

A prayer for the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity

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May Your Kindness Fill Our Hearts

A prayer for the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity

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In Our Differences, Unite Us

A prayer for the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity

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