Social Support through Education

Published On: January 16, 2024

MandS 2024: March 17. English classes are one part of Mission and Service partner ACT Alliance’s psychosocial support program for Ukrainians displaced by war.

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Public, Intentional, Explicit Inclusion

Published On: January 16, 2024

MandS 2024: March 10. Your gifts through Mission and Service support 2SLGBTQIA+ refugees, safe shelters, human rights programs, and safe spaces.

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Accompanying Grandmothers

Published On: January 16, 2024

MandS 2024: March 3. Your Mission and Service gifts gave grandmothers the opportunity to help their pastors learn to do better by connecting their love for their grandchildren to God’s love for all.

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Taking Kids to School

Published On: January 12, 2024

MandS 2024: February 25. When children can’t go to school, society suffers. That’s why Mission and Service partners with organizations that work to increase access to education across the globe.

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Leading Generations

Published On: January 12, 2024

MandS 2024: February 18. Mission and Service partners with the London Community Chaplaincy as they respond to parents and guardians who wish to build a network of support.

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Small Gifts with BIG Impact

Published On: January 12, 2024

MandS 2024: February 11. Mission and Service partner the Middle East Council of Churches has been providing ongoing help to people living in the aftermath of the Türkiye and Syria earthquakes.

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Lessons of Racism Learned When Young

Published On: January 12, 2024

MandS 2024: February 4. Your Mission and Service gifts support anti-racism programs and initiatives.

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Your January 2024 Mission and Service Stories

Published On: December 6, 2023

MandS 2024: January. For January, we asked four staff members to choose a Mission and Service story that is meaningful to them and tell us a bit about why.

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2023 in the Rear View

Published On: November 14, 2023

MandS 2023: December 31. Thank you for holding our neighbours in tender, warm care throughout a challenging year.

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Nourishing Spirits through Tradition

Published On: November 14, 2023

MandS 2023: December 24. For Mission and Service partner London Community Chaplaincy, bringing joy and community-building fun to the social housing complexes they serve goes hand-in-hand with creating and sustaining traditions.

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