Inspiring Generations to Lead

Published On: June 9, 2023

YGM 2023: July 2. Eunice is one of the students who received a scholarship from The United Church of Canada’s partnership with the United Theological Seminary in Zimbabwe. Your Mission and Service gifts empower young women like Eunice as they grow to become leaders for the future. Thank you.

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Preserving Language through the Mohawk Language Bible

Published On: May 11, 2023

YGM 2023: June 11. The much-anticipated Mohawk Language Bible will be available in fall 2023. Your gifts to Mission and Service allow projects to preserve language and culture to flourish.

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Affirming that Gender and Sexuality Are Gifts from God

Published On: April 13, 2023

YGM 2023: May 28. Your Mission & Service gifts help support events that provide safe spaces for activists and Two Spirit or LGBTQIA+ folks to share their personal and collective struggles and gains.

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Rainbow Camp Welcomes 2SLGBTQIA+ Young People and Allies

Published On: April 13, 2023

YGM 2023: May 21. Rainbow Camp has welcomed young people of all sexual identities since 2012. From the beginning, Mission & Service has supported Welcome Friend Association, which runs the camp.

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Moving Forward Together: United against Hate

Published On: April 13, 2023

YGM 2023: May 14. In the face of an alarming increase in violence and misinformation against transgender folks and drag artists, the United against Hate webinar provided ways to support community events that regularly face protests and barriers.

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Lenten Actions for Guaranteed Livable Income Stretch across Canada

Published On: April 6, 2023

On March 24‒26, United Church guaranteed livable income supporters held actions and vigils across the country. Here’s a quick cross-country update.

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Stepping into an Intercultural Future

Published On: March 21, 2023

Bedford United Church lives out the church's Call and Vision through intercultural engagements.

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2022 Mission and Service Results: Thank You!

Published On: March 10, 2023

It is with immense gratitude that we thank everyone who contributed to Mission & Service and the work of the church in 2022.

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The Incredible Difference Your Gifts Make: Bill’s Story

Published On: March 10, 2023

YGM 2023: April 30. Bill’s childhood experience of camp wound up inspiring one of the world’s most influential environmental movements.

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Your Generosity Shows Love of Creation

Published On: March 9, 2023

YGM 2023: April 9. Your Mission & Service gifts support the development and delivery of climate initiatives and educational opportunities. Thank you for your generosity.

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