Your Generosity Increases Food Security

Published On: March 9, 2023

YGM 2023: April 2. In Zambia, Merit Mabenga has felt the deep impacts of climate change. Thanks to donors like you, she has planted a diverse selection of vegetables and now harvests three times a year.

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Putting Faith into Action to Support Ukrainian Refugees

Published On: February 27, 2023

Mission and Service partner, ACT Alliance, works on the ground with member organizations to provide much needed aid to those fleeing the war in Ukraine.

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Your Belief and Support Make All the Difference

Published On: February 13, 2023

YGM 2023: March 26. Arwa sought help at Montreal City Mission, an outreach ministry your Mission & Service gifts support. There, her whole family found a place to belong

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Religion in the Service of Humanity

Published On: February 13, 2023

YGM 2023: March 12. Your Mission & Service gifts help leaders in the Middle East and across the world collaborate and promote peaceful dialogue.

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Empowering Women to Be Agents of Change

Published On: February 13, 2023

YGM 2023: March 5. The Association of Strong Women Alone (ASWA), which your Mission & Service gifts support, made all the difference for Maina.

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Capacity Building and Empowerment of Adolescent Mothers in Tanzania

Published On: February 10, 2023

For International Development Week 2023 (February 5-11) The United Church of Canada highlights Mission & Service Partners who are contributing to the Sustainable Development Goals.

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Old Barns United Goes Net Zero with Zero Dollars

Published On: February 9, 2023

For International Development Week 2023 (February 5-11) The United Church of Canada highlights Mission & Service Partners who are contributing to the Sustainable Development Goals.

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Dora Alicia Sorto School Farm and Agroecology Project

Published On: February 8, 2023

The United Church of Canada is partnering with the Association of Economic and Social Development Santa Marta (ADES), the Manitoba Council for International Cooperation, and a Seeds of Hope grant from the United Church of Canada Foundation to train rural families to grow food through the Dora Alicia Sorto School Farm Project.

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Women Empowerment with MECC in Jordan

Published On: February 7, 2023

The Middle East Council of Churches in Jordan empowers women and develops their capabilities to overcome the daily difficulties and challenges they face.

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Improving Lives and Livelihoods of Rural Farmers

Published On: February 6, 2023

Through longer term agriculture and livelihoods projects, the National Council of Churches of Kenya and the Zimbabwe Council of Churches empower communities by providing training on conservation agriculture, gender equality, and savings and loans groups to rural farmers.

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